Good luck wishes all the best messages: Wish you good luck. Is it a wish you wish to express on someone’s behalf? You definitely won’t get any better good luck success than a do well quote in your bucket do well all the best good luck to a bright future birthday. You must excel in every part of life, and if you don’t, you will never achieve your dreams. Show the world the beauty in your soul by sending good luck messages to anyone you know who is starting something new. Good luck and get started now!
All the very best for your new adventure. Good luck to you with lots of love! My best wishes and prayers for you. May success, prosperity, and peace be your partners in your future! See more ideas about good luck quotes, luck quotes, good luck wishes.
Good Luck Wishes
1. “We believe in you but you have to believe yourself first. Good luck, give your best!”
2. “Nothing can ever stop a person who never stops believing in himself! Self-confidence is the best armor anyone can wear. Best of luck!”
3. “Congratulations on your new promotion. May you be able to attain huge success in your new position. All the best!”
4. “Life will always throw challenges at you. But it’s you who has to decide whether to run away or face them with a smile. Have a nice day!”
5. “Good luck messages for a new life.”
6. “It’s exam time! Here’s a stroke of big good luck! Wish to you”
7. “If you lose your concentration, close your eyes and follow your breathing. You will find peace and a focused mind if you do.”
8. “May success and prosperity follow you to wherever you go and in whatever you do. My prayers are always with you! Have a good luck!”
9. “You’ve all worked hard for this competition. It’s time to show the world what you are capable of. Best wishes for your success.”
10. “Hard work, patience and just a little bit of luck are all you need to win the day over! Wishing you all the best today!”
11. “Let the sun light up your way to success and let the wind carry you there! Best of luck for today and the many tomorrows!”
12. “I think we consider too much the good luck of the early bird and not enough the bad luck of the early worm.”
13. “Challenges are stepping stones to glory and facing them bravely is taking a step to move from mediocrity to honor.”
14. “I wish you the best for today the game begins soon any way fight hard and win big best luck on it!”
15. “Giving up must be not on your list. Remove it from your vocabulary so that you will have no choice but to keep on moving.”
16. “My best wishes for you, may you get success in this great setup and work hard for it.”
17. “I wish you luck in whatever you do and all the very best!”
18. “A hard-working person can attract good luck like a magnet. You are a hard-working person with strong determination. Success will be yours!”
19. “All the best for a bright future! May there be a success at every turn of life and all your dreams come true!”
20. “Best of luck dear. You are best and you will do the best.”
21. “Best of luck. Believing in your dreams is the only way to reach your destination.”
22. “My wish for you today is that you angels send you a sign you will understand, bringing the comfort and reassurance you seek.”
23. “Good luck to you as you move onto the next stage in your life without a doubt, you will continue to have success in all areas!”
24. “Tons of best wishes for your bright future. All the best.”
25. “Good luck may peace, health, and happiness be with you in every walk of your life.”
26. “Good luck messages for the future career.”
27. “Best of luck! Go forward with full enthusiasm and got succeded in the itinerary of life…..”
28. “I wish you a bit of very good luck for all your life. May you get all your desires and may you get success on every single step. I wish you the best of luck.”
Good Luck Wishes Quotes
30. “Good luck to you on your new beginning. You have got this. I believe in you!”
31. “Seize every opportunity life throw at you. Because most of them are ‘one-time’ offers. May this day be a very fruitful one for you!”
32. “Best of luck for success to be there with you in every walk of life. May all the dreams that your heart hold, dear, come true, and may each day of life bring the best for you.”
33. “The most important thing to get success in life is to have faith in yourself. So have faith in yourself and be happy at the meeting. Never lose faith and I wish you a successful meeting, best of luck my friend.”
34. “Good luck! All the luck in the world, all wished for you.”
35. “You know that you are the best, leave aside the rest, go out there, and have your say. All the very best do well!”
36. “There can’t be a better time for new beginnings. All the best.”
37. “Good luck, may good luck and fortune follow you as you deserve the best I hope the feats that come your way see you outshine the rest to someone special.”
38. “In life, you will face all kinds of challenges. The goal is to not let yourself be controlled by fear. But, rather try your very best. All the best to you on your new journey/quest.”
39. “I was so excited to hear about your new enterprise. I hope your vision for the future translates into reality. Warm wishes to you on your new journey.”
40. “You have got a great opportunity before you to achieve massive success. I hope you make the most of it. Make it count!”
41. “Just want to wish you best of luck for your new start and journey in life may you get what you want, and you never have to strive, wishing you all the best!”
42. “May success & prosperity follow you to wherever you go & in whatever you do. My prayers are always with you! Have good luck”
43. “I know that you have focus and ability I know that you have patience and stability your personality has these wonderful virtues for your big exams I wish luck to you”
44. “Have faith in yourself and work hard. Always be optimistic and never give up. You will surely reach your destination.”
45. “Your new job honestly sounds amazing. I pray that you reach massive success doing it!”
46. “Mistakes are part of the journey that leads to success. So, never let mistakes stop you because they always show you the right way to follow! Good luck!”
47. “My wishes for you may your heart be filled with love, your pockets full of wealth, and your home is filled with laughter and the very best of health!”
48. “Every one of you has gone through blood, sweat, and tears to reach where you are now. It’s time to prove the results of your rigorous training. Slay the competition.”
49. “You’ve got a pretty daunting task before you. But, it’s also a big opportunity to represent yourself before the audience. Warm wishes for your excellence.”
50. “It’s a big day for you tomorrow. Give an excellent presentation at the meeting. Good luck!”
51. “Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations. Good vibes, warm thoughts, and silent prayers for you on your new beginning.”
52. “No matter where you are in life, God always has more in store. He never wants you to stop growing. Good luck”
53. “May your exam be a great one and may you obtain the highest marks! All the best for your exams!”
54. “Whatever you wish for I wish for you too, and pray that your hopes, dreams, and wishes come true!”
Best of Luck Quotes
1. “You are an amazing person and I believe you will surely overcome the challenges before you. Good luck.”
2. “Wherever you might be, the fact that you are a wonderful person will not change. Embrace the current of change and swim against the wave with courage. Good luck!”
3. “May you have a wonderful life; I wish you very good luck for the future and achieve all your dreams.”
4. “You have been playing the game of life as a single player for quite some time now. But this time the difficulty level has been raised. Good luck!”
5. “Don’t give up when things get hard. With patience and hard work, the odds will most certainly favor you.”
6. “Instead of stressing out and jinxing yourself for the worst just focus on studying hard and beating everyone to come first”
7. “May you succeed in every task you uptake, may the best of every opportunity you make, may your journey at work remain as bright as your start, wishing you tremendous good luck from the bottom of my heart!”
8. “Good luck with your exam! Your best shot on it pretty confident that you can make it best wishes are with you!”
9. “Finger crossed (and toes!) for you! Yes! Good luck you can do it! Go for it! Yes superstar lucky penny”
10. “My luck is by your side and confidence be in your stride. May you finish your job interview with success and pride. Good luck.”
11. “On the road of life, may you find all the things you’ve been searching for. All the very best for your new start/journey!”
12. “Yesterday seems like a distant dream now. Standing at the edge of today, you embark on a new beginning; I wish for you all the success in the world.”
13. “Dear any name hare just want to wish you best of luck for your new start and journey in life may you get what you want, and you never have to strive, wishing you all the best!”
14. “It’s the part of success when you believe in yourself and you have full control of yourself. I wish your goals are accomplished.”
15. “Let your hard work propel you to a speed so fast that good luck has no choice but to ride with a winner like you.”
16. “May good and inspiring thoughts come to you every time you need them the most and may all bad and depressing ones go away and never turn up anymore!”
17. “I sincerely hope that fortune partners with you in the new phase of your life. May you find everything you seek for.”
Best Wishes for Future
19. “May the next chapters of your life be more elegant & graceful. May the future bring you all the good things that you deserve in life.”
20. “The future is determined by the actions you take today. I hope you make the right decision to create a beautiful future for yourself. All the best!”
21. “You deserve it, go for it. Good luck!”
22. “The deeds that we do in present defines where will we be in the future. Surely a bright & prosperous future is waiting for you!”
23. “No one knows what tomorrow has in store for us. But for you, I hope there’s a lot of happiness, wisdom, money, and success in that store!”
24. “Your path to success would be filled with a lot of obstacles. Do not get bogged down but continue your journey towards success with determination and handwork. All the best for your future.”
25. “Wishing you a bright and colorful future in which all your dreams come true all the best”
26. “You’re going to college! Here’s a big good luck wish”
27. “Read: Women’s day wishes – Happy Women’s Day Messages for
28. “Luck is not in your hands, but work is, your work can make your luck, but luck can’t do your work. Good day & good luck!”
29. “May your pockets are heavy and your heart is light, may good luck pursue you each morning and night.”
30. “May you become wiser, more beautiful, and more successful in the future. May all your dreams come true and all your desires be fulfilled!”
31. “May your future go as bright as the afternoon sun… Give in your best shot and keep your spirits high… Let the world see and recognize you number one… With success and fame may you soar high. Good luck!”
32. “Here’s wishing you success in everything you do!”
33. “Go and ace your exams because you have been destined for success. May the favor and grace of God speak for you. Your exam is settled already. We’d celebrate today my dear!”
34. “Hey! To reach the top… You don’t have to be a bookworm! Just say cool and give your best! My best wishes are with you!”
35. “In this new phase of your life, may each day hold beautiful experiences for you. Until our paths cross again, this is goodbye. Best of luck for your future!”
36. “It doesn’t matter where you are or what you do, success will always track you down. May this bond between you and success grow stronger!”
Best Wishes for a New Life
1. “A new life can be confusing, puzzling, and full of uncertainty. But it’s also thrilling, challenging & full of new adventures. Best of luck to you!”
2. “You have proved with your dedication and patience that you deserved this reward. You have my good wishes to you and your new life!”
3. “Every sunset gives us one day less to live! But every sunrise gives us one day more hope. So, hope for the best! Good day!”
4. “It takes a lot of courage to start a new life leaving behind all the memories of the old one. May this extraordinary courage lead you to your goals!”
5. “Congratulations on your life. Let this change open the door of happiness and peace in your life. May You have a wonderful time in your new life!”
6. “Good luck on your exam! Give your best shot on it I am pretty confident that you can make it my best wishes are with you!”
7. “Most things in life that are worth a big payoff are worth the wait and the investment of hard work. We know you are willing to sacrifice and be patient.”
8. “Good luck shines in the life of the brave, always be strong!! Don’t ever be let down by failure, give life a tough fight like a warrior. Luck will come knocking at your door and your whole life will begin to glow. Best of luck to you.”
9. “Care for the one who shares with you, share with the one who knows you, know the one who misses you, miss the one who well wishes for you, wish you all the best!”
10. “An Irish Blessing May you always have… A sunbeam to warm you, good luck to charm you, and a sheltering angel so nothing can harm you… Laughter to check you, faithful friends near you, and whenever you pray, Heaven to hear you.”
11. “The starting can sometimes be shaky. But it feels great as we slowly get used to it. I can surely see a spectacular life ahead of you! Congratulations!”
Good Luck Wishes for Success
13. “You can’t be successful if you don’t try; failures always take you a step closer to success.”
14. “I hope that your eyes remain transfixed on the sun of success and may the shadows of failure elude you all the time.”
15. “A success that comes after hard work is always sweeter than one earned easily.”
16. “Lots of love and good wishes to the cutest kid I know dear I think a lot about you though I may not show wish you have an amazing day today wish you a loving birthday stay blessed this day!”
17. “You will be facing some tough opponents, but know that I believe in you. You’ve got this! It’s time to prove to the world that every one of you is a true champion.”
18. “Have the courage, the focus, and the determination to chase your dreams. If you do that, success is sure to come knocking at your door. All the best!”
19. “My best wishes and good luck are just for you to feel good my dear. Rest assured I know that you are the best. And you are well prepared for this test. May luck never leave your side. Do well and be patient with all your might, all the very best for your exams!”
20. “Your ability has taken you to the new height of success, this great job is all because of your dedication and hard work. And yes confidence too, many congrats to you, stay blessed!”
21. “Remember you are a team. Your excellent performance during training has led us to have high expectations from you. All the best. Bring glory for us.”
22. “Go and reach for the star you will reach so far you have that will to go and, you very well know all the very best! Good luck!”
23. “If you can dream it, you can do it. Best wishes for your bright future.”
24. “Teamwork is extremely important. I wish you all the best of luck in the upcoming competition. Hoping for the best. Fingers crossed.”
25. “I don’t see how there’s any chance that someone like you can fail, but I’ll say good luck to you anyway just in case you need a little.”
Good Luck Quotes for Student
27. “Nobody can be 100% sure if he will pass or fail the exams. But hard work will increase the chances of doing well. Best of luck!”
28. “Your talent is not only for securing top positions in the exams. They’re for securing a bright future for you, your family, and your country! Wish you all the best!”
29. “I am here to wish you good luck and give you a big warm hug.”
30. “May you have loads of fun on your first day of school. I hope you make lots of friends and create beautiful memories. Good luck!”
31. “The biggest asset of student life is TIME. Spend it on good things & spend it wisely. I wish you good luck with your studies!”
32. “Studying in student life or Regretting in later life. It’s time to decide which one you’d like. I hope you’re studying well. Have a good luck!”
33. “Your struggle in life will change in success one day, you will reach out far and have your say, just keep going smooth and strong, you will reach the place you truly belong, so, good luck to you!”
34. “Don’t cry over the past, it’s gone. Don’t stress about the future, it hasn’t arrived. Do your best to live in the now and make it beautiful.”
35. “Heres to wishing you the best of luck in all life has to offer you.”
36. “Great people did not just grow up and become greats. You need to foster honesty and excellence right from now to be one of them. May God bless you!”
37. “Stress, tension, and anxiety are not going to get you anywhere if you let your fears overpower your failure, is it what you’ll stare life isn’t about finding excuses it’s about finding ways to move on stop blaming situations and problems take charge, the user in a new dawn…”
38. “Luck is one of the most amazing things in this world but some people do not have it much. I wish you all the best in your life. May you have a wonderful and awesome life ahead with no worries.”
39. “Good students focus on exams. But wise students focus on their life goals. It’s time you decided who you want to be! Good luck with that!”
40. “Can’t believe you are getting admitted to such a reputable institution. I hope you make the most of your academic journey there. Good luck!”
41. “It’s honestly really cute how my little nephew has started going to school. I pray that you go on to become smart just like me. Good luck!”
Funny Good Luck Texts
1. “I hope you have a lot of good lucks today. Please don’t spend them all. Bring something for me because I badly need some good lucks too!”
2. “Faith makes all things possible Hope makes all things work Love makes all things beautiful. May you have all the three for today and every day. All the best!”
3. “Good luck! Do your best…”
4. “A good mood is a key to success. That’s why you should stay cheerful no matter what happens in your life. Keep going!”
5. “The grit and perseverance with which you have been striving to overcome the challenges before you are admirable. May success find its way to you!”
6. “Nowadays, you have to be lucky enough to have some good lucks because they are just so rare! However, I wish you all the very best!”
7. “I wish your luck today become as big as your belly and as shiny as your Baldhead. You are a warrior. Good luck!”
8. “Only the dumb count on luck. You seem like one of them to me. I wish you all the good luck in this world and heaven.”
9. “God must be so fed up with you for blaming him all the time, that he might just bury you with a lot of good lucks today. So, good luck!”
Good Luck Quotes for Him/Her
11. “The sweetest things in life are love and happiness. Wishing you good luck now that you have found that.”
12. “Pure love and pure heart can get you anywhere and bring you anything in life. You have a pure heart and I have a pure love for you! Wish you all the best!”
13. “You just have to put on a sweet smile on your beautiful face, and darling trust me, the day will be yours! My good wishes to you always!”
14. “I have high hopes in you and I have the strongest faith in you that you will be victorious. May God help my love forever and always!”
15. “My beautiful sweetheart deserves no less than a spectacularly wonderful day today. My warm wishes to you. Good luck honey!”
16. “May God ushers you with his heavenly blessings today and every day! May you attain all that you desire in life. Have a good luck!”
17. “Sometimes in English, you say something but you mean the opposite. Mm-hmm, This means, I think that nothing will help you, but I’m going to wish you good luck anyway. So I’m going to say what this inflection, not a very happy face, kind of a serious face and emphasizing that good luck with that.”
18. “Good luck with that. Our final expression in this casual section sends you good vibes. This is something that you often see written maybe on Facebook.”
19. “If someone posts something that says, oh, I am having an awful day, or oh, my family member is feeling sick. You might comment and say, oh, I’m sending you good vibes. This is common in a kind of laid-back culture.”
Inspiring Good Luck Messages
21. “I know you can climb the highest mountains. Never lose faith in yourself. Good luck!”
22. “May each day bring you new hopes and the enthusiasm to explore new aspects of life! Wish you all the best!”
23. “May the grace of God be with you, protecting you always from any harm! Best wishes and good luck!”
24. “Luck is not found but made by those who are determined and you are one such person.”
25. “I find my heart singing a chorus at your happy news. Good luck to you during this joyous time.”
26. “I’m sending my prayers, good thoughts, and a little luck toward you just to let you know that I wish the best for you and what you are trying to accomplish.”
27. “Happiness doesn’t stay in your life for long. So when you have it, enjoy it to the fullest. Wishing you all the best!”
28. “It’s not too exciting, but it’s still friendly. You can use this to sign a card for maybe a co-worker’s birthday, or if someone’s going on a long trip or for a graduation or a wedding. You can sign best wishes to the new couple. Best of luck.”
29. “This one is most likely used when someone’s moving on to a new job or a new city. You might say or you might write in a card we’re sad you’re leaving the company, best of luck to you at your new job.” With any luck.”
30. “This one acknowledges some potential for bad, but you still feel hopeful. So you might say with any luck, our picnic plans won’t get rained out.” Fortune favors the bold. Ooh, doesn’t this just make you feel empowered? This is a great expression to write in a card, if someone is going off to study at a new college or university, maybe they’re going off to take a new job somewhere far away, you might write to themes you embark on this new journey in life, remember fortune favors the bold.” If you are bold and courageous, then you will do well.”
31. “When the world turns against you simply change your direction and walk away. Best of luck.”
32. “If you keep working as hard in the future, nothing can stop you.”
33. “We do not want to tell someone to break their leg, but if you saw one of my previous lessons about 50 idioms, this is one of them that I talked about.”
34. “We often use break a leg to tell someone good luck for performances or competitions. So you might say break a leg at your audition today.”
35. “I’m sure you’ll do great. Break a leg.” I’m rooting for you. Usually, we use the word root to talk about plants. The part of a plant that’s under the ground, these are the roots.”
36. “Good luck. Let’s talk about it. Sometimes you want to wish someone good luck with a little more flair or creativity. So today I’m here to help you expand your vocabulary and wish someone good luck in a lot of different ways.”
37. “We’re going to be talking about some formal ways to say good luck, some casual ways to say good luck, and some silly ways.”
38. “Let’s start with the first one, formal. These formal ways to say good luck are best used for professional situations, business situations, situations where you don’t know someone well, or maybe if someone is going through a really difficult time and you want to wish them well. Best wishes. This one is pretty neutral.”
Good Luck Quotes
1. “If you believe in “luck”, always let it be good luck. Always choose to be “lucky”, rather than “luckless”. Be “happy”, rather than “hapless”.” – Donald L. Hicks”
2. “The best luck of all is the luck you make for yourself.” – Douglas Macarthur”
3. “May your pockets be heavy and your heart be light, may good luck pursue you each day and night.” – Irish Sayings”
4. “Luck is not chance. It’s Toil. Fortune’s expensive smile is earned.” – Emily Dickinson”
5. “The amount of good luck coming your way depends on your willingness to act.” – Barbara Sher”
6. “Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson”
7. “Luck is a dividend of sweat. The more you sweat, the luckier you get.” – Ray Kroc”
8. “What we call luck is the inner man externalized. We make things happen to us.” – Robertson Davies”
9. “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” – Seneca”
10. “Good luck beats early rising.” – Irish Proverb”
11. “Success is simply a matter of luck. Ask any failure.” – Earl Wilson”
12. “But that’s not what we’re talking about here. There’s another meaning of, root. This verb to root means to cheer. So there’s a famous song in the U.S called Take Me out to the Ball Game. And it goes like this. Especially one line says, root, root, root for the home team.”
13. “So you’re cheering for the home team. Well, you can check out that song on YouTubeat some point. I’m not going to sing it for you. But we can use this expression, I’m rooting for you, in kind of performances or competing situations.”
14. “So you might say Good luck at the marathon, I’m rooting for you. I’m cheering for you.” In the next expression, you have to listen very carefully.”
15. “Usually, if you know that that person is religious, sometimes we say, I’m praying for you. Something like this. But if you don’t know about their religious beliefs or if they are kind of laid back, maybe hippie style, you can say sending you good vibes, notice that this is so laid back, that we even cut off the subject. I am sending you goodbye.”
16. “And we just cut off I’m or I am. And we just say, sending you good vibes, sending you good vibes on your test today. That means good luck on your test today. All right, let’s go to our next category, which are silly expressions and ways to say good luck. These silly expressions for saying good luck are ones that you want to use with people you are close with or people who understand your sense of humor. The first one knocks ‘em dead.”
17. “First of all, you are not telling someone to hurt someone else, kill someone else. Not a good idea. And what is happening grammatically here? What is knock ‘em? This is a shortened version of the word, them. Knock them dead. Knock them dead. We use this when we’re telling someone good luck with a competition or a performance.”
18. “It’s hard to detect good luck — it looks so much like something you’ve earned.” – Frank A. Clark”
19. “I’m going to cross my fingers. Fingers crossed I hope I get it. You can do it. This is a great expression to use, especially if you see that someone is feeling not very confident about something. So you might say oh, I can see that you’re nervous about skydiving, but don’t worry. You can do it.” You got this. This is another way to encourage someone to do something when they’re feeling not very confident. Go in there and ask your boss for a raise. You got this. You can do it. Break a leg. Of course not literally.”
20. “Does that sound familiar? I guess this is a common situation when we’re wishing someone good luck. If someone has a performance, they’re giving a speech they’re competing, well, you want to wish them good luck. So you might say knock ‘em dead. We often use this expression with the verb, go.”
21. “For example, you might say, go knock ‘ended with your juggling performance, go knock ‘em dead, go get ‘em, tiger. We usually use this for children when they’re about to play a sport or maybe do something difficult. So before your kid’s football game, you might say, well, I tell my son before his football game, go get ‘em, tiger. Go get ‘em. Tiger. Tiger is just kind of a cute name for your child, but we always use this as a fixed expression.”
22. “Good luck with that. Good luck with that. Notice the emphasis on that and also my facial expression. Good luck with that. Am I positive? Am I saying you can do it? Nope, instead, we use this when someone is doing something that seems not fun at all. Maybe something impossible or just not a fun thing to do.”
23. “So let’s take this situation. Your friend tells you this afternoon, I’m going to bathe my cat.” What? This seems not fun and maybe a meaningless task, right? What’s the purpose of doing this? Well, you might say yikes, good luck with that.” Now, here you’re expressing some sarcasm. Sarcasm is a type of way of talking or a type of humor.”
24. “Our final way to say good luck in this formal section is a little long, but it’s a great poetic way to tell someone, maybe in a card, good luck. You might say, may your roads always be smooth and your burdens always are light. Very poetic, very lovely. And this is a good sign-off on a card when someone’s embarking on a new adventure.”
25. “Our next section is casual ways to say good luck. You might use these with people you’re familiar with, or just in rather light situations. Our first one is fingers crossed. You already saw me do this type of gesture because it’s so common for these good luck situations, not just for the phrase fingers crossed, but you might say I applied for a new job, fingers crossed I get it.” We often use it while crossing either one hand fingers crossed, or crossing two. And sometimes we don’t even say this expression, we just say I hope I get it.” And you cross your fingers. So it is implying this gesture of good luck, kind of like a superstitious gesture.”
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