80 Gangster Quotes About Love Sayings Real Life

Gangster quotes about love sayings real life: Are you looking for some best Gangster Quotes? Check out Gangster quotes about life to understand their point of view. “Once a gangster, always a gangster.”- Gary Glasberg. The best gangster quotes, sayings, captions, and status, including great quotes by Al Capone, John Gotti, and others, have been compiled. Famous rappers, celebrities, movies, and more have contributed to these gangsta quotes (with images and pictures). Gangster quotes are entertaining and humorously discuss life, love, money, friendship, and loyalty.

Some of these quotes highlight the significance of true friendships and relationships in one’s life. And, when it comes to love, they explain why loyalty and respect are important factors in a relationship’s success and long-term happiness. Don’t forget to look through our NBA Young boy quotes and lyrics as well.

Gangster Quotes About Love

Death is a part of everyone’s life. It is unavoidable, whether we like it or not. Rather than avoiding thinking about it, it is preferable to comprehend its significance. Because we all share the same body, the same human flesh, we will all die. Of course, there is a distinction to be made between natural and accidental death, but the end of life will come sooner or later. It may be easier to face death if your attitude from the start is, “Yes, death is a part of our lives.”

Gangster Quotes About Love

“Gangsters thrive on the thrill of the chase. They feel more alive the closer they get to death, the closer they are to the heated coil of the instant.”

“When a gangster is at peace, he is never happy. He’s in the business primarily to eliminate his adversaries.”

“A gangster must be willing to murder a lover. It’s one of the company’s many kept secrets because it’s the most accurate test of his ability to rule and command his crew’s respect.”

“In a matter of minutes, a true gangster can smell out a person’s strengths and weaknesses, but what they can smell the most, and what their bodies are most sensitive to, is the scent of fear.”

Greatest Gangster Quotes and Sayings
Greatest Gangster Quotes and Sayings

“A gangster film’s effect is to embody this dilemma in the gangster’s persona and resolve it through his death… not ours.”

“Gangsters thrive on the thrill of the chase. The closer they get to death, the closer they are to the moment’s heated coil, the more alive they feel.”

“Humans can be divided into three groups: those who are paid to die, those who are worried about death, and those who are bored to death.”

“With a kind word and a gun, you can go much further than you can with just a kind word.”

“I believe we have always had and will continue to have a fascination with gangs and gangsters.”

“A gangster, I assume, does not consider himself a hustler, but rather a businessman.”

“When you’re a kid and you see gangsters having fun, you want to be just like them.”

Real Gangsta Quotes About Life
Real Gangsta Quotes About Life

“Gangsters aren’t nearly as scary as you might think. Some of them appear to be quite ordinary.”

“A team is a place where a boy can demonstrate his bravery on his own. A gang is a place where a coward hides.”

“I requested a bike from God, but I know he doesn’t work that way. As a result, I stole a bike and begged forgiveness.”

“Many people mistakenly believe I’m a gangster or a mafioso, thanks to the film “Goodfellas.”

“There is no distinction between good and bad money. It’s all about money.”

“The mob is man willingly succumbing to the beast’s nature.”

“Men seek a mob in which they can be powerful when they are cut off from power.”

“The modern-day Western has evolved from the Italian gangster phenomenon.”

Famous Godfather Gangster Quotes
Famous Godfather Gangster Quotes

“I am unquestionably a gangster. To me, this entails following my own set of rules.”

“Shoot first, then ask questions. That’s how these so-called gangsters are going to die.”

“More money can be stolen by the lawyer with the briefcase than by the man with the gun.”

“You should be cautious about who you call your friends. I’d take four quarters over a hundred pennies any day.”

“The only difference between the Mafia and the government is that the Mafia makes money.”

“See, in this world, you are who you are. Either you’re somebody or you aren’t anybody, depending on how you say it.

“The rule of law is the only thing that prevents rulers from becoming the worst gangsters.”

“Okay, you’ve proven your point. You broke into my safe deposit box. Congratulations, you’re no longer alive.”

“I don’t want to be a byproduct of my surroundings. I want my surroundings to reflect my personality.”

Classy Gangster Quotes Pics
Classy Gangster Quotes Pics

“Betrayal comes from below, while loyalty comes from above.”

“Some people believe that life is a game, and that love is a casino.”

“Pretending you don’t have a heart is the best way to avoid having it broken.”

“Making choices that you can live with is what life is all about. Making decisions that you can’t live without is what love is all about.”

“When you love someone, you must have faith in them. There is no other option. You must hand over the keys to everything that is yours. What’s the point if that’s not the case? And for a long time, I thought that was the kind of love I had.”

“No one is born with a hatred for another person because of their skin color, background, or religion. People must learn to despise. They can be taught to love if they can learn to hate. Because love is more natural to the human heart than hate.”

“To be a good gangster, you need more than just guts. You’ll need some inspiration.”

“Do not be afraid of death. Death is simply a transformation into something even greater. Death is the beginning of everything; it is not the end.”

“It doesn’t matter in my world, of course. You could be a gangster in a dress or a gangster in a pair of baggy pants.”

Gangster Memes
Gangster Memes

“The area was teeming with gangsters. They weren’t oblivious to it. Their interactions with others were both benevolent and terrifying.”

“I didn’t have to do it, but I wanted to build a name for myself. I aspired to be known as the neighborhood’s smartest, youngest, and toughest hood.”

“The game of war is a thug’s game. The thug strikes first and with greater force. He doesn’t follow the rules and isn’t afraid to hurt others.”

“You will be powerful once you understand the mechanics of stress and master the techniques for manipulating someone’s fears and dreams.”

“Allow me to share some information with you. Poverty is devoid of nobility. I’ve been both a poor and a wealthy man. And every f * cking time, I choose rich.”

“At the starting gate, you can always tell who will win. You can always tell who the winners are and who the losers are.”

“When you’re a gangster, you’re a gangster forever.”

“They were afraid of me because I was afraid of nothing.”

Inspirational Gangster Quotes
Inspirational Gangster Quotes

“Every man is a mob, a gang of idiots in a chain.”

“There is a crime behind every successful fortune.”

“Nothing will happen from now on unless I’m involved. There isn’t any blackjack, no dope deals, nothing. I’d like to buy a nickel bag that’s being sold in the park. You get fat while everyone else on the street goes hungry. It’s now my turn.”

“Two little mice landed in a cream bucket. The first mouse gave up quickly and drowned. The second mouse refused to give up. He fought so hard that he crawled out after churning the cream into the butter. As of right now, gentlemen, I am the second mouse.”

“New love is so lovely, and time only ruins it.”

“Remember that when power is concentrated in a few hands, men with gangster mentalities are all too likely to gain control. That has been proven throughout history.”

“When I was younger, a guy told me not to get too attached to anything that you wouldn’t be willing to walk away from in 30 seconds if you felt the heat approaching.”

“Because I have no fear of anyone, I never lie. When you’re afraid, you’ll lie.”

“You can only communicate with a thug if you speak his language.”

“Any distraction will obstruct your ability to be a successful gangster.”

“Don’t tell me anything about what was said about me. Tell me why they felt so free to say it to you.”

“Playing the game, especially the gangster game, is extremely profitable.”

“What does it matter what people say if they aren’t brave enough to say it to your face?”

“Everyone who comes from a gangster background desires what that man in the suburbs desires. This is a nice family. The house is very nice. Beautiful automobiles. Bills have been paid. Schoolchildren. There’s food on the table. There’s nothing else.”

“In this room, there are only murderers! Michael, please! Do not close your eyes! This is the life we’ve chosen, the life we’ve chosen to live. And one thing is certain: none of us will ever see heaven.”

“The gangster is a city man, with the city’s language and knowledge, as well as its queer and dishonest skills and terrible daring, holding his life in his hands like a placard or a club.”

“In the streets, I’ve learned more than in any classroom.”

“What exactly do you mean by “gangsters”? It’s all about money.”

“The sophisticated gangster is a Hollywood creation.”

“I’m going to make him an offer he won’t be able to refuse.”

“Because gangsta rappers are unable to fight, they rap about guns.”

“The mafia is our best example of capitalism.”

“If someone bothers me, I’m going to bother him.”

“Keep your friends close by, but your adversaries even closer.”

“Every person possesses a gangster element.”

“Being a gangster was more appealing to me than serving as President of the United States.”

“The person who is the loudest in the room is also the weakest.”

“Every time an Italian raises his head, the Mafia is a topic of conversation.”

“Even gang members envision a future in which gangs do not exist.”

“Some of your most heinous gangsters are low-key characters.”

“My balls and my words are all I have in this world, and I don’t break them for no one.”

“I’m not angry with you; I’m proud of you. You handled your first pinch like a man and learned the two most important lessons in life… Never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever”

“It’s difficult to tell whether a gangster’s funeral has more guns or flowers. I’d rather have the honor of being the undertaker for some upper-crust gang than a seat on the Stock Exchange.”

“Pay close attention to what I’m saying. Around here, there are three ways to do things: the right way, the wrong way, and the way I do it. Do you get it?”

“Dave, you’re no longer a lawyer. Now you’re a gangster. On the contrary. It’s a whole new ballgame now. You won’t be able to learn about it in school, and you won’t be able to get a head start.”

“A gangster must be ready to kill a friend at any time. It’s one of the company’s many kept secrets because it’s the truest test of his ability to rule and command his crew’s respect.”

“Until a gangster walks into the room, everyone is a gangster.”


Searching for chilling gangster quotes? You’ve come to the right place, as we’ve listed some of the most famous and savage ones out there!

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